Laser Tag is a blast to play. (7+)
Come experience SKYTAG’s vast
Laser Tag arena for your adrenaline rush.
With 2 stories and 8,000 sq. ft, SKYTAG’s laser tag arena provides the most advanced high-tech equipment for an unequalled interactive and exhilarating laser tag experience. Thrilling from beginning to end, laser tag is a supercharged activity that is not only great for families and friends but also the ideal experience for team-building.
Your quest for the best laser tag in Montreal ends at SKYTAG.
Laser tag is a team or individual sport or recreational activity. It is an interactive game that is played in a dark arena with black lights and a futuristic atmosphere, giving you the impression of playing in a live video game. It is similar in principle to a video game but far more interactive. Played in a dark laser tag arena with black lights and a futuristic atmosphere, the object of laser tag is to score points by tagging targets and/or opponents with a hand held phaser that emits infrared lasers – all while defending your base from your opponents. Vests, that are equipped with sensors that detect when tagged, are worn by each player, and because no physical projectiles are launched, laser tag is painless, as well as a blast to play.
Enter SKYTAG’s laser tag arena with our state-of-the-art gear and you’ll feel like you’re in video game, avoiding obstacles, protecting your base and accumulating points to earn your laser tag victory. The keys to winning at laser tag are teamwork and strategy. So, whether you choose to play with your friends or join a laser tag game with a new group of people, you’ll test your skills while having the time of your life.
Who can play Laser Tag
Although laser tag is for almost everyone, SKYTAG recommends that laser tag players be age seven (7) and over and at least 3.5 ft. tall in order to play.
Avoid playing Laser Tag if you suffer from the following: Asthma, epilepsy or suffer from seizures caused by fog or strobe lights.
How long does a laser tag session last?
A laser tag session lasts approximately 45-60 minutes. This includes a period of registration, briefing and vesting followed by the play time in the laser tag arena (4 games of 6 minutes each). A new laser tag session commences every ½ hour.
Laser Tag – the ideal team building activity
While it is possible to play laser tag and have fun without teamwork, teams that work together toward their mutual goal have the highest chance of winning a laser tag match, just as they have the highest chance of success on the job. Laser tag provides a fun activity for corporate groups to destress, while encouraging team strategy and collaboration. Teams learn to use communication, as a team, to defeat their opponents and achieve victory. Reinforce the bonds of your team with laser tag - the ideal team building activity that will leave your team exhilarated!
Laser Tag arena rules
Our basic rules have been designed to ensure your safety and enjoyment while you play in the laser tag arena:
• No running or crawling in the laser tag arena
• Always keep a distance of three feet away from opposing laser tag players
• Keep two hands on your laser tag phaser at all times
• Always avoid any physical contact with other players in the laser tag arena
SKYTAG – Laser Tag game formats
In order to provide variety as well ensure appeal to all our visitors, regardless of age, experience, interests or skill level, we offer the following Laser Tag game formats:
• 2-Team Base Station Game Experience with Base Targets, Recharging/Respawning, and Pick-Your Own Power-Ups
• Team Free-For-All
• Free-For-All
• Zombie
• Team Elimination with/or without Respawning
• Dodge Ball
• Vampire
• Team - One Life/One Base with Respawning
At SKYTAG, we focus the majority of our time on enhancing the core playing
dynamics that make our Laser Tag experiences fun and exciting. For example, one of the most unique game features of our Laser Tag Game System is our Pick Your Own Power-Ups. These Power-Ups can be selected at anytime and anywhere in our arena. This feature alone dramatically enhances the dynamics of game play and takes it to a whole new level.
Featured Power-Ups:

Ability to deactivate your opponents vest with a single tag. Tagging an
opponent once with deactivator will require your opponent to return to the

Super Rapid Fire
Ability to fire your phaser at incredible speeds. Everybody loves rapid
fire in laser tag and the Super Rapid Fire mode is rapid fire on steroids.

Ability to deflect all incoming laser tag pulses to the player that was
attempting to tag you. When multiple modes are activated, deflector
players can deflect mode tags like deactivator and energizer, too.

Ability to energize your teams vest with a single tag. This is the only
time where it's to your advantage to tag your own team
members. The Energizer player acts just like a mobile recharging unit.

Impervious to all tags until you fire your phaser or the mode expires.
Exiting, this mode will leave your vest fully energized. Stealth allows a
laser tag player to sneak around the arena to the best location.

Freeze Ray
Impervious to all tags until you fire your phaser or the mode expires.
Exiting, this mode will leave your vest fully energized. Stealth allows a
laser tag player to sneak around the arena to the best location.

Impervious to all tags for a set time period. Invincible is one of the
most powerful modes.

Force Field
Impervious to all tags when you are not firing your phaser. Force-Field
players drop their force field and can be tagged whenever they fire their

Computer Virus
Ability to infect and disable your opponents vest with a single tag. Laser
tag players infected by the virus must recharge.

Ability to change your team colors and infiltrate the opposing team. Spies
flash their true team colors for a split second when shooting. Laser tag
players on the spy's own team cannot tag the spy.

Turns pack lights off so opposing players can't easily see or identify the
invisible laser tag player. The player's lights will flash when they fire
their phaser.